Tuesday 26 July 2016

Fragile X Awareness month - Day 26

Recently at Merryn's verfication meeting the psychologist summed her up as having 'a complicated presentation'. If you look past the clinical wording, that really does sum up my little FX girl.

She's smart, but she struggles to understand new concepts. She's brave, but she is easily bought to tears or overwhelmed. She is loving and kind, but don't do things her way and she'll get very upset and cranky. She's outgoing and social, but she can also be painfully shy. And she can rival anyone in the meltdown stakes, when everything gets too much.

Like most FX girls, she doesn't really tick any boxes, she dances to the tune of her own kazoo. But most importantly of all, if you take the time, and get past the loud, crazy, off the wall girl, she presents to the world, you've found a really beautiful amazing little person.


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