Sunday, 26 March 2017

The Begining

Yesterday was day one of a juice detox.

I know it sounds radical, but after further reading, I realised I am already exhibiting signs of FXTAS (reference NFXF):

  • Cognitive/intellectual decline, including short-term memory loss, loss of math or spelling skills, difficulty making decisions, and other intellectual functions.
  • Numbness or burning of the hands and feet (neuropathy).
  • Low blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension).
  • Personality or mood changes, which might include increased irritability, outbursts of anger, and inappropriate or impulsive behavior not typical of or consistent with the person’s previous personality.
  • Difficulty with organizing, planning, anticipating, and carrying out of everyday life tasks and activities (“executive function skills”).
  • Difficulty learning new tasks.
  • Fybromyalgia

If you are wondering, yes, I am following up with the Dr.  However, after all the scans, blood tests, urine tests etc, my GP could do no more, so now I'm on anti-inflammatory meds and waiting for a specialist appointment,  However, I refuse to do nothing while I wait for our health systems very slow cogs to turn.

After watching the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I've decided to kick of a 10 day vege and fruit detox (which my sister is doing with me).  I'll also be using some doTerra oils to help my system.


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