Thursday 14 July 2016

Fragile X Awareness month - Day 11

If you want to find out more about FX you can go to the Fragile X Association of Australia website. I will be sharing our families story.

Sensory sensitivity is one of a number of FX symptoms. For Bryn this makes going out of his home very challenging. The light, the noise, the movement, all of it creates a sensory overload. Hit with too much information to cope with he would meltdown keeping outings as brief as possible. The stress on him and his family was huge.

Thankfully Shelley was able to get assistance to get a wheelchair for him which has made a big difference. Not having to walk, being able to use an iPad or iPhone, a blanket to hide under, all of these things allow him to create his own little safe space and shut out the world around him.


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