Sunday, 26 March 2017

The Begining

Yesterday was day one of a juice detox.

I know it sounds radical, but after further reading, I realised I am already exhibiting signs of FXTAS (reference NFXF):

  • Cognitive/intellectual decline, including short-term memory loss, loss of math or spelling skills, difficulty making decisions, and other intellectual functions.
  • Numbness or burning of the hands and feet (neuropathy).
  • Low blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension).
  • Personality or mood changes, which might include increased irritability, outbursts of anger, and inappropriate or impulsive behavior not typical of or consistent with the person’s previous personality.
  • Difficulty with organizing, planning, anticipating, and carrying out of everyday life tasks and activities (“executive function skills”).
  • Difficulty learning new tasks.
  • Fybromyalgia

If you are wondering, yes, I am following up with the Dr.  However, after all the scans, blood tests, urine tests etc, my GP could do no more, so now I'm on anti-inflammatory meds and waiting for a specialist appointment,  However, I refuse to do nothing while I wait for our health systems very slow cogs to turn.

After watching the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I've decided to kick of a 10 day vege and fruit detox (which my sister is doing with me).  I'll also be using some doTerra oils to help my system.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Fragile X Carrier - Inflammation & Immune System

I go from having weeks of working like crazy, getting huge amounts done at home, and for the business I'm building with my sister, to hitting a wall.  My brain shuts down, I'm tired, I can't even figure out what I need to do, let alone do it.

Recent tests done my GP showed my immune system is attacking itself and I have constant pain from inflammation.  After putting a post up on our Fragile X Facebook page, it was revealed I am not alone.  A lot of carriers are having the same problems.

With mum's health deteriorating with terrifying speed from FXTAS and Parkinsons (induced by the FXTAS) and the passing of another of our FX carrier sisters out of the blue recently, I've really started to think about my own health.  The process of having my three kids has blown my weight out by 25kg and I'm starting to see more and more symptoms that don't bode well.

Starting this month I'm going to be implementing some new things.  I want to try different ideas and see how/if they help.  To help keep track of it all I'll be blogging about the process.