Sunday 29 January 2012

At Play

We had a big day yesterday. Myself and a friend had organised a geocaching event to which about 50 people came. Geocaching is a great hobby we are into, if you want to know what I'm rabbiting on about go to

Anyhoo, we all gathered at a local RSL and my friend and I ran a trivia afternoon. We had a fantastic time, but amazingly so did Connor. A room full of people he doesn't know could have been quite intimidating for him, especially as his daytime sleep got completely missed. Instead he had a blast.

He ran around and got into things (with Daddy and G'ma taking turns running after), he tried playing with another little boy and he even considered stage diving. The other little boy was jumping off the two foot high stage and Connor kept running up to the edge and deciding if he should too. Of course my little G'pa didn't, but he thought about it and that counts for a lot to me. He was trying to mimic. Not something that comes naturally to a little Autistic/FXS boy. I also saw him touch the other boys shoulder with his hand. His hand! Connor hardly even touches me with his hand (holding hands to walk being the exception). He was actively trying to make a connection. The other little boy had no idea what Connor was up to and told him to stop but that's ok Connor wasn't distressed by that and was clearly having a great time.

It was the icing on the cake of a wonderful day to see my boy having fun AND taking developmental steps. He was pushing his boundaries and I like to take that as a good sign for his future.

Playing with his favourite steering wheel


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