Connor's Latest Hair Cut
Connor is now 5 1/2 and in that time I've made two attempts
to take him to a hairdresser. Both were disastrous and involved very little actual hair removal. So my strategy has been to allocate a few days when I randomly sneak up and cut bits of hair off. He then bolts for the hills telling me done and I wait for my next opportunity to strike.
Needless to say I put this process off for as long as possible each time, until he looks like a shaggy surfer and it becomes imperative.
Last week the time had come and with scissors in hand I thought I'd try the direct approach first up. I explained I needed to cut his hair and cut a piece off. To my surprise he stuck around and for the next 5 minutes actually allowed me to cut his hair.
So proud of my boy, he's making some wonderful and amazing steps forward!